It all began with the adoption of one little dog from Botosani in 2012, following the mass destruction of over 200 dogs at the Public Shelter Botosani in Romania on
11th May 2011, and the public outcry which ensued. There had been no warning, and dogs were destroyed indiscriminately and inhumanely. You can see more information here:
In the aftermath of this atrocity, various animal welfare and rescue groups came forward and began to organise adoptions to different parts of Europe. The Botosani events are not
unique in Romania; killings still take place, strays are often poisoned, and the stray dog problem is one of immense proportion and concern all over Romania. However, volunteers in Botosani (and
elsewhere in the country) have worked tirelessly with the Romanian authorities and with the adoption agencies to prevent mass killings of this type and scale from recurring. Many NGOs
are providing free spay and neuter clinics and are trying to educate the public with regards to responsible ownership.
The efforts of the PS Botosani volunteers have paid off, as there has been no mass cull in the public shelter in Botosani since 2011. The work of the volunteers is constant, and includes
carrying out free spay and neuter clinics in Botosani and the surrounding areas, providing additional food, helping with care and veterinary treatment, and assessing and promoting the dogs
for adoption. The shelter has a capacity of 850 dogs, and, despite ongoing spay and neuter campaigns run by the Botosani volunteers and others, new dogs are abandoned and brought in by the dog
catchers every day. This is not a 'shelter', a place of safety, as we know them in the UK, but a government-run pound, whose only purpose is to provide a place to detain
unwanted dogs; it is most certainly not safe. Volunteers have no official role in the shelter, but are constantly working with NGOs and negotiating with the public shelter
management to improve conditions and increase adoptions, thereby ensuring that healthy dogs are not euthanized.
Meanwhile, here in the UK, after adopting her little dog Jazz, Kaz Gilbert maintained a close friendship with the volunteers at Botosani, and in January 2014 she was asked by
Lidia Nistor who was the vet for the Public Shelter, if she could help co-ordinate the UK adoption effort. The Romanian volunteer team in Botosani felt that a UK co-ordinator
would benefit the adoption process and would take some of the pressure off the team in Botosani. And so, Waggin' Trails Rescue was born.
Since that time, over 400 dogs have been brought to the UK from the Public Shelter Botosani in Romania. Pictures of some of our dogs can be found on our home page, some before and some
after their adoption. All of these dogs are in their forever homes now, enjoying wonderful lives, the public shelter horrors now behind them thanks to some wonderful people who have
Given the scale of the adoptions, Kaz and Lidia realised that managing on their own was not going to be possible and that help was needed, so we have now recruited a group of volunteers,
all of whom have had Botosani dogs in their care. You can find our names and those of the volunteers in Romania at the end of this page.
With the help and commitment of the additional volunteers we have been able to grow and spread our wings. 'PS Botosani UK' has been added to our UK/Romania Rescue, 'Waggin’ Trails
Rescue' to emphasize our association with the PS Botosani and our Romanian Volunteer team. Together we may make a difference!
We are constantly improving and increasing our fundraising efforts, and bettering the access to information. We hope you will find everything you need to know between this
website and our Facebook pages, but we welcome your comments and suggestions for improvement.
We are very aware that none of this can be done without you, our supporters, who share, donate, and actively promote our dogs. You are our support when things are tough, and without your help,
we would not be able to continue. We thank you for your support always...
We hope to help benefit the public and assist in relieving the suffering of dogs in need of care or attention, medical or otherwise, residing on the streets and held in the Public Shelter in
Botosani, Romania, by providing assistance, either physical by our colleagues on the ground in Botosani or, financial via our Charity here in the UK, raising funds to assist with medical care,
vaccinations and vet treatment for any dogs injured on the street or in the Public Shelter. Also to include donating for food distribution...
Our most important project is to continue our Spay & Neuter campaign, to try to reduce the puppies and kittens being born on the streets, to try to stop the never ending circle of life...
again working with the volunteers on the ground and resident veterinarians in the area we can offer free castratians in the city and surrounding villages.